Réunion lancement ANR projet GAIA DATA

3 French research infrastructures involved in the GAIA DATA project:

  • DATA TERRA organizes access and integrated processing of observation data, products and services covering the different compartments of the Earth system and their interactions
  • CLIMERI-France is the national climate modeling infrastructure, its mission is to produce international numerical simulations for the WCRP and to make their results available to various users in France and abroad.
  • PNDB, the National Center for Biodiversity Data, aims to federate existing data approaches within research infrastructures on the “Living Earth”.

21 partners  : CNRS (coordinator), CNES, IFREMER, IRD, BRGM, IGN, INRAE, Météo-France, MNHN, CEA, IPGP, CINES, Sorbonne Univ., Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, Univ. Lille, Univ. F. Toulouse, UNISTRA, SHOM, OCA, FRB, CERFACS

Objective: Develop and implement an integrated platform of FAIR data and distributed services for the observation, modeling and understanding of the earth system, biodiversity and the environment

  • Over the entire data cycle (observation, modelling), from its acquisition (spatial, soil, in-situ) to its multi-use (qualification/validation, storage, access, processing/cross-checking of multi- sources/extraction of knowledge, products, services, …)
  • For the scientific community contributing to knowledge of the Earth system, biodiversity and the environment; public and private actors.