Distributed data and services platform
The Data Terra research infrastructure develops and pools resources for accessing and processing satellite data, field data, aerial data and experiment data at global and regional scales, in line with the national strategy.
Data Terra deploys a comprehensive platform for accessing and processing FAIR data, products and services with a view to facilitating their uptake, developing services that span the full data cycle and implementing inter-disciplinary approaches. This platform is designed to serve scientific communities and public policy and innovation stakeholders. It thus provides interoperable service platforms for storing, extracting, analysing and disseminating data.
Data Terra proposes to ease exploitation of very large volumes of data and cross-correlation and generation of information on demand combining multi-source products. At European and international levels, it is advancing FAIR (EOSC)* approaches, contributing to space missions and applications and to the initiative to generate digital twins of the Earth.
* Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable – European Open Science Cloud
Interoperable platform for Earth system observation
4data and services hubs
2cross-cutting structures
26data and services centres
100000 PBpetabytes of data exploited estimated for 2025
The open and interoperable Data Terra platform affords transparent and continuous access to multi-source, multi-domain and multi-organization Earth system data. It is deployed and supported by its own Data and Services Centres (DSC) on national and regional infrastructures.
The infrastructure is spread around the country across widely diverse IT resources (data storage and computing capacity), science disciplines (oceans, solid Earth, etc.) and types of data (satellite, in-situ, models, etc.).
One of the key issues at stake for Data Terra is to facilitate cross-cutting applications involving heterogeneous IT resources and data.
Users can access satellite data acquired by international space centres and multi-source observation data from ocean vessels, aircraft, drones, submersibles and balloons from in-situ, remote-sensing, experiment and archive sources. Higher-level data—spatially and/or temporally averaged and aggregated data—and derived products from regular processing services are also available.
Data Terra also curates data acquired by Earth-observation research infrastructures and distributes and processes them to generate derived products.