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ForM@Ter data hub’s GDM-OPT services open for business

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GDM-OPT services (for Ground Deformation Monitoring with OPTical image time series) were developed for the ForM@Ter data and services hub by the EOST school and observatory of Earth sciences with contributions from the French national mapping, survey and forestry agency IGN, the IPGP Earth physics institute, the French aerospace research agency ONERA and OSUG, the Grenoble universe sciences observatory. GDM-OPT enables on-demand processing of time series of Sentinel-2 data with no need to download images.

GDM-OPT on-demand processing services

GDM-OPT processing services are deployed on the A2S processing infrastructure hosted at the University of Strasbourg’s 1.5 Tier Mesocentre. They are accessible to the French scientific and institutional community via the ForM@Ter portal, and to the international scientific community and other users on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP/ESA). GDM-OPT services have been set up with support from the French space agency CNES and the CNRS/INSU universe sciences institute.

GDM-OPT enables on-demand processing of time series of Sentinel-2 data with no need to download images. It is based on the MicMac (IGN/MATIS; Rosu et al., 2015), GeFolki (ONERA; Brigot et al., 2016), CO-REGIS (CNRS/EOST; Stumpf et al., 2018), MPIC (Stumpf et al., 2014), TIO (CNRS/ISTerre; Bontemps et al., 2017) and FMask (Texas Tech University; Qiu et al., 2019) algorithms. The service is detailed in Provost et al. (2021).

GDM-OPT encompasses three services tailored to different scientific applications:

  • GDM-OPT-SLIDE for quantifying and monitoring landslide kinematics
  • GDM-OPT-ETQ for quantifying co-seismic deformations triggered by earthquakes of significant magnitude
  • GDM-OPT-ICE for quantifying and monitoring glacier and ice sheet kinematics

These services allow non-expert communities to process data with default parameters and expert communities to define more advanced parameters themselves.

Accessing and using the service

The terms and conditions are set out in the charter on the access page.

The services are accessible to authorized users and members of ForM@Ter’s and Data Terra’s overseeing bodies from the dedicated on-demand processing services page on the ForM@Ter portal.

To access the services, you must log on and then submit a request. The procedure for doing this is set out on the web page.

Tutorials will be coming on line shortly to help users get started.

Example results and applications

  • Quantification of co-seismic displacements associated with the Ridgecrest quake of July 2019, using the GDM-OPT-ETQ service
  • Quantification of movements in the Slumgullion landslide in Colorado, United States, between 2015 and 2020, using the GDM-OPT-SLIDE service
  • Quantification of movements of the Astrolabe glacier in Antarctica between 2017 and 2021, using the GDM-OPT-ICE service

➡️  Access ForM@Ter data hub on-demand processing services