DSM OPT service formaterre

The  DSM-OPT (Digital Surface Models from OPTical stereoscopic very-high resolution imagery)  on-demand calculation service is operated by the ForM@Ter hub (Solid Earth), in collaboration with the THEIA hub (continental surfaces) and the DINAMIS system , with the contribution of IGN/MATIS and IPGP. It is deployed on the A2S computing  infrastructure  hosted at the Mesocentre of the University of Strasbourg in France. It is accessible to the French scientific and institutional community, to the international scientific community and to other users on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP/ESA). DSM-OPT was set up with the support of ESA, CNES and CNRS/INSU.

A new feature now allows access to Pléiades data from CNES. They can now be searched and loaded as service entry from the DINAMIS  catalog.

he applications are multidisciplinary:  monitoring of telluric hazards  (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, etc.),  creation of 3D urban models, etc.

Concerning the monitoring of telluric hazards, the service is  connected to the device of CIEST 2  (Cell of Intervention and Scientific and Technical Expertise new generation) of ForM@Ter. When images are acquired following the device activation request,  DSM-OPT is automatically launched with these images as input  and the results are shared within the community.

DSM-OPT is accessible to the French scientific and institutional community through the ForM@Ter portal as well as to the international scientific community and other users on the Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP/ESA). It is also accessible to anyone with a ForM@Ter or Theia account, subject to acceptance of their profile.

To find out more and launch calculations on demand: