OBS4CLIM, the future evolution of the atmosphere

obs4climConducting research on the future evolution of the atmosphere, such is the ambition of the OBS4Clim project. It will help improve decision-making. Carbon neutrality is one of the environmental issues on which scientific teams are already working worldwide. To respond to this challenge, among other things, the OBS4CLIM project was set up to assess accurately the composition of the atmosphere, thanks to new information that will feed the climate and air quality indicators.

Launched at the beginning of 2022, OBS4CLIM is an Frech project (EQUIPEX) of the entire atmosphere community with 18 partners at the national level. The objective is to develop the innovation of the three French components of European research infrastructures (RI) in the field of the atmosphere : ACTRIS ,  IAGOS , and  ICOS. As part of the OBS4CLIM project, scientists and researchers will be able to benefit from new datasets for air qualityclimate and weather forecasts, in order to forecast the impact of human activities. For instance, measurements of ammonia (NH3) concentration or the quantity of viruses and bacteria contained in bio-aerosols circulating in the air.

All the data will be made available to the scientific community and centralized on databases operated by AERIS , the atmosphere pole of DATA TERRA. AERIS’ expertise is valuable in this project because the DATA TERRA atmosphere hub is already the data center of the various French Research Infrastructures dedicated to the atmosphere and this allows an optimization of OBS4Clim products and services collection. Research in the atmospheric field of the AERIS cluster concerns themes such as atmospheric dynamics, physics and chemistry. They also include work more oriented towards the study of climate change or air quality .

To learn more about the OBS4CLIM project: