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The new version of the AERIS catalog is online

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Available since the beginning of October, the new AERIS data catalog allows a better implementation of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and a better interoperability between the different data centers (CDS) of the cluster and its partners.

What’s new ?

Authentication to the catalog via the AERIS SSO (connection is possible via RENATER, ORCID or by creating an AERIS account directly)
Online editing of metadata records
A more modular design and better ergonomics of metadata sheets (with templates customizable by project)
Semi-automatic generation of DOIs (at the request of project PIs)
The addition of an “interoperability” tab that allows you to know the level of FAIRNESS of a metadata record
The evolution of the metadata format and the AERIS thesaurus

The AERIS catalog offers an exhaustive view of all the cluster’s data. Direct downloading is not systematic but links to dedicated portals are proposed (for example EUROCHAMP, IAGOS, etc.). A system of filters (project, theme…) allows to present a subset of the catalog on the site of a project, by customizing the search criteria. The metadata in this catalog are described in a specific AERIS format but are compatible with standards (ISO 19115, INSPIRE…), and extensible to adapt to the specificities of certain types of data (airborne data, simulation chambers…). On request, an export to standard formats or to other portals can be set up.

How to use the catalog ?

  • The new version of the AERIS data catalog in video