International projects
Data Terra is contributing to a range of international projects and partnerships under the auspices of several research programmes.
GEO is the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations. It is a partnership of 109 national governments and 136 participating organizations committed to promoting and developing access to Earth-observation data in an open, comprehensive, coordinated and sustained manner for the benefit of all humankind and for a more sustainable planet.
The GO FAIR initiative proposes to develop a data-enriched international research environment. France joined the initiative in 2017 and is also contributing to the GO FAIR International Support and Coordination Office (GFISCO). Its shared research data and digital services apply the four FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. FAIR data and services will enable research data to be reused across different disciplines in different countries, thus helping to generate new knowledge.
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) was launched as a community-driven initiative in 2013 by the European Commission, the U.S National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian government’s Department of Innovation with the goal of building the social and technical infrastructure to enable open sharing and re-use of data. RDA has a grassroots, inclusive approach covering all data life cycle stages, engaging data producers, users and stewards, addressing data exchange, processing and storage.