© PLEIADES - CNES 2016, distribution AIRBUS DS

DATA TERRA 2023 seminar

  • 28-30 March 2023
Seminaire 2023 Data Terra
DATA TERRA / Illustratrice Lison B.

Stimulate research, better understand the mechanisms of the Earth System, deepen the basic concepts of the scientific approach, such is the will of the research infrastructure (IR) DATA TERRA. For 3 days, nearly 50 participants met in Strasbourg and also online to work together on the challenges and future projects at the level of the 4 RI hubs which are Aeris, Form@ter, Odatis and Theia as well as of the Dinamis device.

The challenges around Earth System data and more generally research work financed by public funds concern several aspects such as Fairization, the implementation of a data openness strategy, the cross-referencing of multi-source data as well as the interoperability of data access services.

The workshops made it possible to set up work teams in order to put in place a common strategy and respond to the challenges of the ministerial roadmap for Research Infrastructures. In the program :

  • Opening: context, issues, objectives of the seminar
  • Reports and highlights of the hubs and systems
  • Europeanisation and internationalisation of  the IR DATA TERRA
  • GAIA DATA: reminder of the fundamentals and progress of the WPs
  • Workshops around the interactions between the hubs : cross-cutting themes, fair principles issues, strategic science axes, economic models, data warehouse, collaborative tools