© PLEIADES - CNES 2016, distribution AIRBUS DS


  • 07-09 March 2022
  • France, South West (Montpellier)
Data Terra

Stimulate research, better understand the Earth System mechanisms, deepen the basic concepts of the scientific approach, such is the work of the research infrastructure DATA TERRA. For 3 days, nearly 70 participants met in Montpellier and also online to work together on the challenges and future projects about the 4 hubs of Data Terra : Aeris, Form@ter, Odatis and Theia – and the Dinamis service.

The issues around Earth System data and more generally research work financed by public funds concern several aspects such as Fairization, the implementation of an open data strategy, the cross-referencing of multi-source data as well as the interoperability of data access services.

Some useful sources:

  • Introduction by Frederic Huynh, Data Terra Director
  • Presentation of the 4 hubs : Form@ter - Solid Earth
  • Presentation of the 4 hubs : ODATIS - Ocean
  • Anne Puissant, new director of the THEIA Hub
  • Visit of "Maison de la Teledetection"