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Data Terra and ForM@Ter participate in Resif-Epos workshops

  • 15-18 November 2021
  • Obernai, Alsace (67)
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The French seismological and geodesic network (Résif) is organizing the 5th Résif-Epos scientific and technical meetings that will take place from Monday, November 15 to Thursday, November 18, 2021 in Obernai, Alsace. The Data Terra research infrastructure will announce the next deployment of its thematic data warehouse while the ForM@Ter cluster will present the Gaia Data project.

The Résif-Epos network

The French seismological and geodetic network Résif was launched in 2009 to federate, modernize and develop the means of geophysical observation of the inner Earth. This national research infrastructure is based on both permanent networks and mobile instrument fleets to perform continuous seismological, geodetic and gravity measurements. The data collected reveal the structure and deformations of the planet. They also contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources and to the control of natural hazards of earthquake origin. Résif-Epos is France’s major contribution to the European Plate Observing System (EPOS).

The National Institute of Sciences of the Universe of the CNRS (INSU) coordinates the Résif-Epos consortium, composed of the majority of French universities and organizations involved in geosciences research. More than a hundred researchers, engineers and technicians collaborate on a daily basis to make Résif-Epos a scientific tool at the service of the global Earth sciences community.

The 5th scientific and technical meetings

Every year for the last 5 years, the Résif-Epos network has proposed meetings open to scientists, students and engineers. This is an opportunity to review the scientific and technical activities carried out within the framework of Résif-Epos and the French Central Seismological Office (BCSF-Rénass). Discussions and exchanges will be structured around posters, oral presentations and workshops on the state of the art of the instrumental network, results of fundamental and applied research based on the network data. The conference is also intended to be a time for joint reflection on scientific methods and approaches, promising techniques and instrumentation of today and tomorrow.

IR Data Terra will actively participate in the workshops organized by the Résif and particularly in the one dedicated to data warehouses. It will present its future Earth and Environmental Science thematic data warehouse “Data Terra Repository”. It will offer to the French scientific communities as well as to IR partners in national and international projects, quality services adapted to the specificities of geo-referenced data in the respect of FAIR principles (data deposit, attribution of a DOI, support, training…). A web page will soon be dedicated to it on the Data Terra website.

The ForM@Ter data and services cluster dedicated to the solid Earth will also be present, the new cluster director Emmanuel Chaljub will present the Gaia Data project.

➡️ Detailed information and meeting program