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Data Terra participates in GeoDataDays on September 15 & 16, 2021

  • 15-16 September 2021
  • World Trade Center, Grenoble (38)

Les journées nationales géonumériques* (The National Digital Geography Days) will take place on September 15 and 16 at the World Trade Center in Grenoble. It is the national independent reference event for digital geography in France. These meetings are organized by Afigéo and DécryptaGéo, in partnership with a regional platform of geographic information and the associated territorial authorities. Meet us with the THEIA and ForM@Ter data centers on booth 28.

GeoDataDays 2021

The event’s objective is to promote the geographic data sector: its ecosystem, its actors, its products, its services, its innovations… Scientists, geographers, elected officials, territory managers, business leaders, representatives of competitiveness clusters, all people concerned by geodata are welcome.

The 4th edition of the GeoDataDays will give a greater visibility to the technologies and uses of space to allow the geomatics community to appropriate more technologies, data, products and services from space. Conference sessions labelled “spatial in the territories” will highlight the concrete contributions of spatial applications.

The Data Terra stand

Data Terra, the THEIA and ForM@Ter data and services clusters will be present in the exhibitor area, in the “space village” led by Connect by CNES.

The program at the booth includes:


Come to meet us and exchange with us on stand 28!