• Paris, France
Data Terra au Forum Horizon Europe
Data Terra - Apostolia Karamali, Cheffe d’unité au sein de la Direction espace européen de la recherche et Innovation (RTD.A), Commission européenne Jonathan Ewbank, Directeur général de l’infrastructure européenne ERINHA, qui porte le projet ISIDORe : Services Intégrés pour la Recherche sur les Epidémies de Maladies Infectieuses (Integrated Service for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research) Alessandro Rizzo, Coordinateur du projet FAIR-EASE Earth Sciences & Environment services, projet sur le traitement des données et réponses aux défis environnementaux Suzanne Dumouchel, Coordinatrice de l’infrastructure de recherche OPERAS

We are very happy to participate in the Horizon Europe Forum, dedicated to the place of research infrastructures in Horizon Europe. Live from the Forum.

During the Round Table at 11 a.m. “What place for Frecnch research infrastructures in Horizon Europe and what role in the ERA?” Alessandro Rizzo, DATA TERRA Coordinator of the FAIR-EASE Earth Sciences & Environment services project took part in this event, which provides an understanding of the landscape of French research infrastructures and their role in European projects. The Frech researchers were also rewarded for their European commitments.