CHRIS Fourier Transform Spectrometer making measurements at Kiruna airport in front of the ATR42 while it rolls to take-off on its second flight of the day at 14:00 (c) H. Herbin, 2021

Why MAGIC? The M onitoring of A tmospheric composition and G reenhouse gases through multi – I nstruments C ampaigns are considered as a major measurement campaign in which nearly 50 French scientists took part. It aims to better understand the concentration and distribution of the two main greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by human activities : carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4.

It is an unprecedented campaign both in terms of the size of the team and the multidisciplinary approach. It provides a better understanding of the vertical exchanges of GHGs along the atmospheric column and contributes to the preparation and validation of space missions dedicated to monitoring greenhouse gases.

To meet these challenges, GHG monitoring campaigns within the framework of MAGIC include two aircraft including a Falcon 20 from a French Research center, 14 releases of atmospheric probes under balloons, several types of instruments sites of the ICOS network and different platforms (aircraft, balloons, ground). Since 2018, the measuring instruments have thus made it possible to carry out simultaneous observations of GHG concentrations. In this context, the AERIS atmosphere pole of DATA TERRA got involved in the MAGIC campaigns by creating data catalogs and managing data from the campaign.

The MAGIC2021 team in front of SAFIRE ATR42 at Kiruna airport (c) T. Vergoz/MAGIC2021/CNRS Photothèque, 2021
The MAGIC2021 team in front of SAFIRE ATR42 at Kiruna airport (c) T. Vergoz/MAGIC2021/CNRS Photothèque, 2021

MAGIC campaigns are supported by the French space agency CNES and the national center for scientific research CNRS. The European space agency ESA, the European organization EUMETSAT, the Ecole polytechnique, the CEA, Météo-France as well as the French universities Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Lille, Reims and Sorbonne are also additional support for this scientific project.

To knox more about the MAGIC campaign :